QUECHUA Binoculars with adjustment 

Initialy designed for ORAO, eyewear branch of the european brand Decathlon, manufacturer of sport apparels and equipment.


Initialement designées pour ORAO, marque optique du groupe Decathlon, fabriquant de matériel et d'équipement de sport.



QUECHUA binocularsQUECHUA Binoculars


Binoculars developed to observe nature and wildlife on your mountain hikes. Compact and lightweight binoculars, easily adjusted. Ideal for hikes with panoramas. Its large lenses (32 mm) and optical treatments provide a very bright image.


Sketching: Antoine FLEURY

CAD 3D development & concept work: Antoine FLEURY

Technical environment:

Researches: Sketches & photoshop

CAD 3D modeling on Solidworks